Yes its true....the unthinkable nightmare, on June 21, 2010 I got a call from my ranch manager, "Get here now, there are bees attacking our beloved Scoop and Charger, and Charger is down."
That's all I had to here. I jumped in my car and headed toward the ranch. My mind was going a mile a minute, what does this mean? Can bees kill horses? I honestly could not fathom what I would walk into. All I could think of is this has to be bigger than I can imagine for me to get this frantic call. What do you do?
I remember seeing all of those 911 T.V shows and remember seeing a lady attacked by bees, the fire dept. was called and they where trying to save her with there fire hoses.
So...on the way to the ranch I called 911 and our emergency vet. Dr. McNeil. I remember asking the vet "can bees kill a horse?" When I heard the dreaded answer yes, I said please come right away, this doesn't sound good.
When I got there it was complete ciaos. The details of that night are still too difficult for me to share. All I can say is a fire in a barn would of been the equivalent.
As I try to write this tears fill my eyes, Even the fire dept. was afraid to get out of the truck, the scene was like a movie, I couldn't believe what was happening. The movie "Jumangie" comes to mind.
All I can remember saying is please don't tell me we cant save these horses. As the night unfolded Charger and Scoop gave up their lives to the bees.
Little did I know that Africanized bees and come onto my property and set up camp, robbing my friendly honey bees of their hives. I heard later that there was over 500,000 of them.
Why they chose to attack the horses that night we don't know for sure, but I do know that the horses gave their lives in such a noble way, possibly saving us humans and other horses.
The story doesn't stop there, my dearest friends owned these incredible horses and had just brought them over to my ranch with high hopes of rising to the next level of their horsemanship journey. We had such great plans.
I have been fighting the city and county to help me remove these bees, their only reply has been its your problem. The financial devastation is over whelming. The only answer I have been able to come up with is to lean my property. To excavate the bees we are looking at possibly over 50,000. buildings and trees that they dwelt in have to be torn down so they will not come back.
I have given permission to lean the property so they can be properly excavated and no one else will be hurt, but this has left my ranch that I have fought 10 years to keep in jeopardy.
As you can imagine it has not been safe to be there with the bees still in force and any income I was trying to maintain is gone. It could take another month to insure safety.
I know how independent and self assured all us horsey women are, but I need help. I am asking for donations at this time to help me sustain what I have left for a short while. I know its hard to give for all of us right now, but even if a enough people gave $25.00 it would help until I can get my business up and operating.
Please imagine what you would do if this was you just for a minute. The grief of the horses dieing, the devastated owners , dealing with the county and trying to still feed the horses who are left.
You can go on my website and donate. There is a donate button on front page. I am hoping as a horse community we can stand with each other in crisis. Not one of us could ever plan or prevent a devastation like killer bees, but like the horses they where noble that night and died with dignity, we should learn from them. Thank you.........Christa Lynn
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Learning the equine language
I believe its up to us to learn the equine language, just like spanish or even sign language. So many times we try to put our way of thinking on to the horse, expecting that he knows what we expect out of him with out our clear communication. What do you think????????
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New Horse Training Video series!!!!!
Hey Cowgirls and Guys,
Dont miss this chance to check out whats new and exciting in the horse world of communication.
You are probably wondering what makes this video series any different from all the others you have seen?
After working with so many incredible horseman and women over the years I have watched many students succeed, I have also watched many students walk away frustrated as so much of the information was way over their heads or they didnt have enough time in a clinic to make the impact stick, only to get home and feel like they didnt make any changes and are exactly where they left off.
My horse training videos are about communication, not technique. Understanding how your horse views his world, and how we can inter into it and make a lasting change through understanding.
I am not saying technique is not important but once you really understand how to communicate from your heart and mind then any technique can be applied.
I would love to have you check out my new website My new video is available now. Hope to hear from you. Christa Lynn
Dont miss this chance to check out whats new and exciting in the horse world of communication.
You are probably wondering what makes this video series any different from all the others you have seen?
After working with so many incredible horseman and women over the years I have watched many students succeed, I have also watched many students walk away frustrated as so much of the information was way over their heads or they didnt have enough time in a clinic to make the impact stick, only to get home and feel like they didnt make any changes and are exactly where they left off.
My horse training videos are about communication, not technique. Understanding how your horse views his world, and how we can inter into it and make a lasting change through understanding.
I am not saying technique is not important but once you really understand how to communicate from your heart and mind then any technique can be applied.
I would love to have you check out my new website My new video is available now. Hope to hear from you. Christa Lynn
Sunday, March 28, 2010
New video release........

New video release coming soon........
finally, its hear. My first video. I have been instructing for 15 years and have hours and hours of video of my horsemanship instruction. I have taken the best of all of my knowledge and have put it in my first video...
I am so jazzed to finally get to show the world what has been in my heart and come through my hands to the horses and students.
Its good guys.....The video is schedule to be online by May 1st.
Thanks for all your support...i have really enjoyed finding such artistic horsewomen through this blog. I am impressed.
Stay Tuned, Christa Lynn
be my friend on facebook. Christa Caudle Schaffer
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dressage in a wheat field......

Ive always been in awh when I see dressage. The highest level of horse training, expressed through horse and rider. I have always ridden western and am a true blue cowgirl, but I still love the elegance and finese of dressage.
When my first colt arrived 18 years ago I noticed very quickly that when he ran and played he had the most beatiful extended trot. He was my first try and crossing a quarter horse with an arabian. I realized that the incredible arab had given him the extended trot.
I raised him a trained him myself, I have to admit he was my ginney pig through all my years of learning to train. He was a great student or maybe i was.
One day I was riding him out in this beautiful wheat field , it was dusk and we were on our way home. Suddenly I noticed his intention began to well up underneath me. He rocked back on to is hind end and lifted his front end and begin to extend his legs so far in front of him they were rising over his shoulders.
I envisioned my self in a Olympic dressage ring flying across the middle, the really neat aspect was he was trying to trot above the wheat field beneath him so it felt like we were flying 3 feet above the ground.
the smile on my face was so big i thing tears of joy ran down my face just to experience the collection and impulsion under me, and that moment I knew that riding through that wheat field was really the moment we are all looking for.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Whats your earliest memory of horses?????

I don't remember a time I didn't day dream about horses. When I was two my parents got me a springy rocking horse.(you know the wonder horses) Of course my horse was named White Star.
My mom told me I would wake up at 5:00 am in the morn and start riding my White Star.
They loved it because I would ride for hours as they slept in to the distance sound of Squeak-Squeak.
I don't think I ever told anyone I rode him until I was nine. I would love to hear your first experience.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Journals from the past....
What if we could write a dairy backwards. You know after we went through our life we could look back and tell the stories with the perspective we learned. Well who said we cant. As i look back on the last 28 years of my horse career I am able to see the stories from such a neat perspective. The lessons I learned. I will be sharing some of these stories and would love any feedback.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spring brings all the excitement of new growth and warm weather. Lets take this time to get our minds and body's in shape before we expect our horses too. For those of you who are feeling guilty that your horses are standing in mud or cold weather, or you cant ride yet, pull out that yoga tape or get out your horsey DVDs and be ready to be all you can be for your horse.s
Some Thoughts About Cinchy Horses......
Thank you all for your great advice. I really loved seeing how everyone is considering their horses. There was a time when horses where not considered and that is the tradition we are trying to change. True horseman consider their horses.
When I started my horse program many of my long time horse friends were so excited to have a place to retire their good old faithfuls. I begin to get a reputation for the greatest retirement home for these horses.
I gave lessons to kids and adults at all different levels. I was able to take 17 head of horses and turn it into the greatest program around.
I soon realized that these old faithfuls had lived amazing lives and were performance horses till the end.
With all of those amazing qualities they all had their little corks too. Many of them came to me in their late teen or early 20s, I didn't always know their complete history and many where cinchy.
The perspective that I would like to bring to this discussion is to remember all of those techniques can be successful but the key is you have to know when, where and how to use them and read each individual horse. Also remember that years of bad saddling can leave a muscle memory mindset in the horse so be realistic in your expectations.
I still have a lesson horse name Jazz. When we first started working with her saddle issues she would try and turn around and bite us. We applied all of the positive options to her. In the end she would chew on the rope instead of biting us. We finally realized that was a fair compromise.
Take it slow, take a breath, and break it into small pieces. Take the time it takes so you don't have to take the time to do it over.
When I started my horse program many of my long time horse friends were so excited to have a place to retire their good old faithfuls. I begin to get a reputation for the greatest retirement home for these horses.
I gave lessons to kids and adults at all different levels. I was able to take 17 head of horses and turn it into the greatest program around.
I soon realized that these old faithfuls had lived amazing lives and were performance horses till the end.
With all of those amazing qualities they all had their little corks too. Many of them came to me in their late teen or early 20s, I didn't always know their complete history and many where cinchy.
The perspective that I would like to bring to this discussion is to remember all of those techniques can be successful but the key is you have to know when, where and how to use them and read each individual horse. Also remember that years of bad saddling can leave a muscle memory mindset in the horse so be realistic in your expectations.
I still have a lesson horse name Jazz. When we first started working with her saddle issues she would try and turn around and bite us. We applied all of the positive options to her. In the end she would chew on the rope instead of biting us. We finally realized that was a fair compromise.
Take it slow, take a breath, and break it into small pieces. Take the time it takes so you don't have to take the time to do it over.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Ok guys. question and answer time. what to do with a cinchy horse???? I would love for you to share some of you thoughts on ways to help a horse that does not like to be saddled or have his cinch tightened. stay tuned. Christa Lynn stay tuned. Christa Lynn
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